South Kent MI Junior Chamber JCI


JCI Junior Chamber in South Kent MIThe South Kent Junior Chamber is more than just a volunteer organization for young professionals. It’s a group that helps you develop leadership skills, make friends, and give back to your community. We pride ourselves on being one of the top volunteer organizations for young professionals.

Membership Benefits

  • Make a difference in the lives of others
  • Get to know your local community
  • Meet new people and make lifelong friends
  • Improve your self-confidence
  • Enjoy a sense of purpose
  • Develop professional skills in leadership, communication, and project management

Make a Difference

Many studies have shown a link between volunteering and increased well-being. But, don’t just take their word for it! Check out our group volunteer opportunities to find out what the fuss is all about. Your efforts can truly change the world around you. Countless people in Kent County have already benefited from our community projects. As a volunteer organization, we’re dedicated to making a difference!

Meet New People

Networking is so much more than just a business strategy, it’s a way of connecting what you do with the people it impacts. As a volunteer, you’ll meet people from all walks of life. This will give you opportunities to work on your communication skills and develop compassion for the people in your community. Not everyone you meet will be a great leader, but they will help you see life from different perspectives. The more you volunteer, the more you’ll understand the unique challenges and opportunities residents face in Kent County.

Develop Leadership Skills

As a community organization, we offer plenty of group volunteer opportunities to strengthen your leadership skills. Once you volunteer a few times, we may recommend you chair a project committee. This is just one of the many ways you can grow your professional skills and community involvement as a member of the South Kent Junior Chamber.

To learn more about our membership benefits, attend one of our monthly meetings. During each meeting, we discuss upcoming community projects and opportunities for members to get involved.